Constipation Home Remedies

While surfing the web I came across a good article on constipation and thought about sharing it here. After going through the article you can visit constipation remedy with water therapy which is very effective cure for constipation.

Here is the article.

Constipation Home Remedies
By Maverick Jensen

If you are looking for a cure for constipation, home remedies often work. Constipation can happen for a number of reasons often linked to your diet or stress. If you have suddenly started being constipated you should consult your doctor as it can be a sign of a more serious illness. He will give you a thorough examination to rule out illnesses such as hypothyroidism and other problems associated with the large and small intestines.

The good news is that you can deal with this problem very easily once you know how. You need to start as soon as you begin to suffer as failure to deal with blockages can lead to a never ending circle of problems. You could cause piles if you strain too often when going to the toilet. If you already have piles you may be subconsciously causing your constipation in an effort to avoid pain.

Most sufferers try something new but don't keep the treatment going and so think it doesn't work. If you follow these tips your body should start working more efficiently thus eliminating the constipation.

Increasing the quantity of water you drink will help your internal organs to become more efficient at eliminating waste. You should aim to drink at least 1.5 liters a day and more if the weather is very warm.

Increasing the quantity of fiber in your diet will also help. We all should eat more fruit and vegetables but if you are constipated you may want to avoid bananas in the short term. You should aim to have five or six small meals a day to get your system moving. Each of these meals should be made up mainly of fruit and vegetables with some quality protein and carbohydrates. White bread is notorious for causing bowel problems so remove it from your shopping list. Replace with whole meal and do the same with pasta and rice.

Effective home remedies for constipation include chewing your food properly. In our time poor society, we often feel under pressure to eat our meals too quickly. We need to chew properly as the digestion process begins in your mouth with saliva breaking down the food. If your digestion system doesn't work properly you can become constipated.

Are you exercising regularly? If not, you should be. Some people hate going to the gym and use this as an excuse not to exercise. You do not have to follow a gym regime, you can exercise anywhere you like including your own home. It is best to get out into the fresh air if you can but even running up and down your stairs will help to improve your overall fitness levels.

Do you regularly take medication? Have a look at the ingredients as this may be the cause of your problem. A simple home remedy for constipation is to stop using medicines with codeine in them. Obviously you will need to check with your doctor but if you explain your problem, he can often prescribe an alternative. When treating constipation, home remedies should be tried first before resorting to additional medication.

Did you know that constipation can permanently damage your health? The sooner you start taking action in removing constipation from your life the faster you will become healthier and the longer you will live. And you won't have to worry about permanent health problems due to constipation. To get instant FREE relief from constipation just visit Here to get all the information and remedies to get rid of your constipation problems forever.

If you want to get rid of constipation for good then this free report will help you. Giving you the best known treatments, remedies and diets known to man to help you. Do you never have to deal with constipation ever again. Get your free report Here

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